Emergency number

+39 051 6920701


General information for surgery

A horse that is to undergo routine surgery is admitted either the day before or the same day by appointment.
If admission is on the same day as surgery, it is kindly requested to arrive by 8.30 am with the horse unharnessed and fasting from hay and grain from the night before.
It is also necessary to have completed the informed consent for general anaesthesia (link IT-version).
The horse will then be discharged after a few days at the discretion of the surgeon and its postoperative course. During this time it will be given the appropriate medical and maintenance care.
Upon discharge, a discharge letter will be provided with the programme to be followed.


General information for bone scan examination (scintigraphy)

A horse that is to undergo a bone scan examination is admitted the day before or the same day by appointment.
If admission is on the day of the examination, it is kindly requested to arrive by 8.00 am with the horse fasting from hay, grain and water from the night before.
The horse must be kept in light activity in the week prior to the examination to optimise the result.
The horse will be unshod on the day of the bone scan examination.
The horse will be discharged within the times established by law for the decay of radioactivity and the report will be sent by e-mail to the owner and the referring veterinary surgeon, if any.


Bone scan (scintigraphy): latest availability dates

since 25th November 2024 to 30th November 2024


Download informed consent

Download informed consent document (IT-version) clicking this link


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    For the owner -- edit: 2023-10-09T06:24:03+00:00