Flexural limb deformity in a foal


Less than 24 hours old foal found in a ravine where he had probably slipped soon after birth. It was unable to stand due to a severe flexural deformity of both front fetlocks.

Clinical examination

The foal when examined in the field appeared alert and responsive, but unable to reach the standing position or to maintain it when helped (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

In its vain attempts to stand it suffered abrasions on the dorsal aspect of both fetlocks.

The foal was afebrile and the umbilicus was normal and dry. The sucking reflex was present and with some help the foal regularly took milk from the mother’s breast. Glycemia and hydration were normal, since the owners had helped it and made it suckle since the first discovery. The meconium had passed without problems.

Since found in the morning unable to assume and maintain the standing position, suspecting a passive immunity deficit due to failure to ingest maternal colostrum, a test for IgG quantification was performed.


Following the IgG test, where a complete lack of immunity was evidenced, the first treatment included a slow and controlled infusion of 2 l of plasma. A further transfusion of plasma was necessary because the IgG test showed an insufficient level of immunity.

To treat the flexural deformity and to help muscle relaxation, a single shot of tetracycline (3 g by slow IV infusion) was administered. In junction with this therapy, the front limbs were bandaged using rigid bandages that, despite being hardly accepted at the beginning, allowed the foal to get up, walk and suckle.

Two shots of tetracycline (at 24 hours interval) became necessary, associated with two weeks of rigid bandages (Fig.2), the latter became later simple bandages, to protect the skin abrasions, to reach a complete resolution of the deformity (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2               Fig. 3


The foal was treated at home, due to economic reasons. The positive results was achieved through collaboration and dedication by the owners..

Flexural limb deformity in a foal -- edit: 2024-10-21T14:49:16+00:00