
6 y.o. Standardbred male History The horse was referred for chronic weight loss. The owner reported that the horse had been in training until a few months before and subsequently started to loose weight despite normal appetite. It had been under regular deworming program without any clinical improvement. Clinical examination […]

Fracture of tibia

13 y.o. gelding used for dressage History The horse was referred for scintigraphy because of a 4/5 degrees lameness on the right hind limb. A preliminary radiographic examination didn’t show any significant finding. Clinical and scintigraphic examination The horse was hardly able to stand and couldn’t bear weight on the […]

Guttural pouch empyema

11 year old pony gelding used for show jumping History The pony returned to its stable after having spent a month in another place for pre-purchase purposes. It showed weight loss, poor appetite with difficult swallowing and pain at palpation in the throat region associated with difficult breathing when exercised. […]

Ovarian tumour

5 year old Standardbred mare in training History The mare was in training and started to show colic signs the night before referral. The initial treatment included flunixin meglumine and mineral oil by stomach tube. The next morning, in absence of improvement, the mare was referred to the clinic. Clinical […]

Progressive ethmoidal haematoma

Progressive ethmoidal haematoma Eleven year old female Show Jumper History The mare was referred with complain of unilateral serosanguineous nasal discharge, abnormal respiratory noise and poor performance.The referral vet suspected ethmoidal haematoma. Clinical examination At admission the mare showed good bodily condition, blood test results were within normal range. A […]